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Launching the friends of the Mediterranean Macro-Region

Informazioni dagli uffici pubblicata il
20 Apr 2023
Assessorato/Ufficio: Ufficio di Bruxelles
Launching the friends of the Mediterranean Macro-Region

In the framework of the activities and the lobbying campaign around a macro
regional strategy
for the Mediterranean, the members of the Mediterranean Cooperation Alliance, and the CPMR
Intermediterranean Commission with the support of the Government of Cat alonia and
Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur Region , are launching the creation of a group of Friends of the
Mediterranean Macro Region In order to give visibility to this initiative, you are kindly invited
to join us for its launch event:
next 24 April 2023 fro m 17.30 19.30 , in Brussels


Launching the friends of the Mediterranean Macro-Region (375.51 KB)
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